Top 7 Tips to dogs get along peacefully

Introduce dogs gradually in a neutral environment, allowing them to sniff and interact under supervision to establish familiarity.

Dogs Harmony

Reward desirable behaviors such as calmness, friendly interactions, and sharing resources to encourage harmonious interactions.

Positive Reinforcement

Provide separate spaces for each dog, including individual beds, feeding areas, and toys, to prevent resource guarding and conflicts.

Space Management

Expose dogs to various social situations, including walks, dog parks, and playdates, to build social skills and confidence.


Conduct obedience training sessions together, reinforcing commands like "sit," "stay," and "leave it" to promote cooperation and respect.

Training Sessions

Supervise interactions between dogs closely, intervening when necessary to prevent escalating tensions and redirecting their focus.


Be patient and consistent in your approach, understanding that building a harmonious relationship between dogs takes time and effort.

Patience and Consistency

Why Dogs Air Lick?