Top 7 Tips For Helping Your Labrador Slim Down

The foundation of weight loss is diet. Talk to your vet about a weight-management food formulated for Labradors. 


Measure your Lab's food carefully and avoid free-feeding. This helps ensure they don't consume excess calories.

Portion Control

Limit treats and table scraps. Opt for healthy alternatives like carrots or green beans during training sessions.

Treat Wisely

Increase your Lab's exercise gradually. Start with short walks and build to longer durations or include playtime.

Exercise Up

Ensure your Lab has access to fresh water throughout the day. Hydration is key to overall health and metabolism.

Water Works

Schedule regular vet checkups to monitor your Lab's progress and address any underlying health concerns.

Vet Check

Weight loss takes time. Be patient, consistent, and celebrate your Lab's progress along the way!

Patience Wins

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