Top 7 Reasons dog may not come when called

Your dog might be engrossed in something more interesting like a scent, another dog, or a captivating sight, making them ignore your call.


Insufficient or inconsistent recall training can result in your dog not understanding or obeying your command to come when called.


If your dog associates coming to you with negative experiences like punishment or discomfort, they may avoid coming when called out of fear.

Fear or Anxiety

In high-energy environments or situations, your dog might become too excited or overwhelmed to respond to your recall command.


Underlying health problems such as pain or hearing impairment could hinder your dog's ability or willingness to come when called.

Health Issues

Unintentionally rewarding your dog for not coming when called, such as chasing them or giving attention, can reinforce the behavior.


External factors like distance, weather conditions, or unfamiliar surroundings can affect your dog's response to your recall command.

Environmental Factors

The Scents That Capture a Cat’s Curiosity