Top 7 Dog Breeds Affection Signs

A wagging tail is a classic sign of canine happiness and affection, indicating excitement and joy in your dog.


Seeking physical closeness, such as leaning against you or snuggling up in your lap, shows your dog's desire for affection.


Licking your face or hands is a dog's way of showing love and bonding, as it mimics grooming behaviors seen in puppies.


Maintaining eye contact with you demonstrates trust and affection, as dogs consider direct eye contact a sign of friendship.

Eye Contact

Engaging in playful behavior, such as fetching toys or rolling on their back, indicates your dog's enjoyment and affection.


Following you around the house or staying close during walks demonstrates your dog's attachment and desire to be near you.


Your dog's relaxed body language, including loose muscles and a soft expression, reflects their comfort and affection towards you.


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