NASCAR Enlist Top Antitrust  Ahead Of Daytona

NASCAR teams enlist renowned antitrust lawyer Jeffrey Kessler amid negotiations with the series over revenue-sharing concerns.


A breakdown in negotiations prompts NASCAR teams to seek legal counsel, highlighting their determination to secure fair terms.


The hiring of Jeffrey Kessler underscores NASCAR teams' resolve to address key issues, including charter permanency and governance participation.


NASCAR teams advocate for permanent charters and increased governance influence, aiming to establish a more collaborative framework.

Franchise Model

Amidst negotiations, NASCAR teams emphasize the importance of equitable revenue distribution and enhanced collaboration with the series.

Economic Equity

NASCAR teams seek a stronger voice in governance decisions, striving to ensure their perspectives are represented and valued in shaping the future direction of the sport.

Governance Voice

NASCAR teams advocate for greater involvement in emerging revenue streams, emphasizing the need for equitable partnerships and fair compensation.

Revenue Opportunities

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