Top 7 Zodiac Signs Experience Most Heartbreaks

Aries, passionate and impulsive, often rush into relationships, leading to heartbreak when expectations aren't met.


Gemini, with their dual nature, may struggle to find emotional stability, making them prone to frequent heartbreaks in love.


Cancer, deeply emotional and sensitive, tend to invest their hearts fully, making them susceptible to profound heartbreaks.


Scorpio's intensity in relationships can lead to deep connections but also significant heartbreaks when trust is betrayed.


Libra, striving for balance and harmony, may endure heartbreaks due to their tendency to prioritize others' needs over their own.


Pisces, compassionate and empathetic, often give too much of themselves in relationships, resulting in heartbreak when boundaries are crossed.


Leo's desire for attention and admiration can lead to disappointment and heartbreak when their expectations aren't met in relationships.


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