Top 7 Tips For Managing Excitement Peeing in Dogs

Excitement peeing is common in puppies and some adult dogs. It's a reflexive response to overwhelming emotions.


Use positive reinforcement techniques to build your dog's confidence and reduce the likelihood of excitement peeing.

Positive Reinforcement

Teach your dog calm greetings to prevent overstimulation. Avoid intense greetings that trigger excitement.

Calm Introductions

Schedule frequent potty breaks, especially before exciting activities, to reduce the urge to pee when excited.

Potty Breaks

Ignore the accident and clean it up calmly if your dog does pee out of excitement. Punishment can worsen the behavior.


Engage in obedience training to teach your dog impulse control and redirect their excitement into more appropriate behaviors.


Managing excitement peeing takes time and patience. Be consistent in your approach and celebrate progress along the way.


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